To the debaters:
Extrapolate typical debate motions... you'll see how the ultimate purpose of debate is a very noble political one: it is about ensuring the welfare of a society. Why debate about writing off third world debt, or fighting AIDS, or fighting unfair trade? Because these issues affect people! Every debate is grounded in a real world issue.
The root of debate is political discourse (hence the terms "parlimentary debate", "government", "opposition") - the exchange of theses ("substantives/policies") and antitheses ("rebuttals/countersubstantives"), with which a synthesis is developed (read up on eg "hegel dialectic" or even locke's democracy). Through this process, social issues are discussed, policies are refined, and the opinions of society are duly considered - such that the outcome is the best possible.
Debate is not merely about "armchair debating", distanced from the real issues out there. If you are only willing to debate from an armchair for the sake of winning trophies, then don't even bother. You have a role, and a stake in the larger society. You must have a heart, with which you debate and advocate for the betterment of society - whatever the size of this society. Undoubtedly in a competition you have to argue the side you are allocated - but take your own personal stand, armed with the skills to evaluate all the actors and incentives and arguments for a particular issue.
Do not underestimate the power of debate. Ultimately, remember that you are the ones best armed with the power of argument, with which you can change society for the better - or for the worse (just look at Hitler: he was such a great orator). Great power cannot be divorced from great responsibility - do not derelict this duty you have as a fine debater to society, and be willing to stand up for what you believe in.