Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Give thanks

There are many, many things we have to thank god for - not least because we have sinned, fallen short of his glory and am undeserving of grace. But God so loved the world that he died for me and you, given us his grace, love, restored our relationship with him, and given us the gift of eternal life. And for that, I thank him.

I must also thank the lord for all that I have, all that I am. He could have put me into some improvished African family only to starve to death, but no, he has put me in a loving family, in a relatively peaceful and prosperous part of the world, and given me a multitude of gifts - physical, intellectual, and so on.

I am also grateful for how he is always there for me, how he picks me up when I fall and helps me when I am in need. I can feel him in my heart and talk to him. He gives me strength, gives me hope, and always makes a way when there seems to be no way, lighting up the path like how he led the Israelites in the desert with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.

The mind-blowing thing about it all is that I deserve none of this - but by his love and grace and mercy, he has forgiven my sin and assumed the punishment on my behalf. Thank you lord.